Heart of a Savage Page 5
“It’s panties and a bra. It’s private and it’s stupid to have me take pictures in it. Why can’t I wear what I normally wear?”
She’s actually hissing now. I doubt she even realizes she’s doing it. I stand in front of her, but her eyes stay focused on the far right corner. “You tell me why.” I know she knows that it makes it easier for her opponent to grab her if she’s wearing clothes like that, but she won’t admit it. She won’t even look at me. I follow her line of sight and see Nico surrounded by a group of women. The four o’clock class is still hanging around under the guise of asking questions. Light giggles and high-pitched voices flow from the area. He’s not actually entertaining them, but he’s not discouraging them either. It doesn’t look like it, but I bet he’s noticed that Bailey has walked in. The tension between these two is ridiculous. I bet neither of them would admit to feeling anything for the other, but it’s obvious in the way they watch each other when they think no one is looking. Especially Nico. One of the females presses a folded piece of paper into Nico’s hand and Bailey finally turns away. She makes her way to the photographer and introduces herself. He gives her a once over and frowns. He’s probably wondering why she’s not wearing the right clothes. As I move closer I can hear him giving her instructions on what he’s looking for and how he wants her to pose. She nods her head and after staring at her sneaker-clad feet for a few seconds she climbs into the octagon. The photographer goes to follow her in, but she stops him.
“I’m posing here at the entrance, Mr. Cooper, and you won’t be able to talk to me because I’m not taking my headphones off. I truly hope you get the shot as quick as you can because I can only give you sixty seconds before I’ll need to put my sweats back on and honestly any great photographer could probably do it in less time than that. You’re a great photographer, right?”
He looks to me and I shrug my shoulders. Bailey has this passive-aggressive thing down to a science. She smiled the entire time she spoke, but she was essentially telling him how to do his job and insulting him. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes though. She hasn’t been as happy as she was when she found out we’d teach her how to fight. Something tells me that video chat would have given me the answer to why.
“We can’t possibly get the perfect shot that quick. I’ll need you to pose in different spots so we can get a feel for it. We’ll need to . . .”
He stops short when Bailey turns her back to him. I can’t help smiling. I think that’s the rudest thing I’ve ever seen her do. The photographer sputters and calls her name, but she slips her headphones on. After settling on a song on her phone, she kicks her shoes off. Fire engine red covers her toenails and circling one toe is a gleaming silver band. I hate feet, but even I have to admit hers are pretty. I don’t think I’ve ever admitted that, not even about Petra and she’s perfect.
“Is that a toe ring?”
I glance over and see Nico quickly approaching. I figured he’d make his way over here sooner rather than later. “Seems that way. Haven’t seen one in forever,” I tell him. I’m pretty sure they went out of style years ago, but she’s making one hell of a fashion comeback. She has her eyes closed and is mouthing the words to whatever song she’s listening to. Just when I think we’ll have to force her out of her sweats, she takes a deep breath and blows it out before stripping them off as fast as she can. I knew she was hiding a nice body, but I don’t think any of us were prepared for what we see if the silence and lack of motion around us is anything to go by. She’s just as skinny as Nico says she is, but I doubt he thinks that’s a bad thing right now. Toned arms and legs that stretch out for miles pull me in like a fish on a hook. I force myself to look away because this feels like a betrayal to Petra even though I can honestly say I’m not attracted to Bailey. She’s almost like a sister to me, so I let my eyes drift around the room instead. There are only about a dozen or so guys in here, but every single one of them is focused on the woman in the octagon. Even the photographer is dumbfounded. If it weren’t for the strap around his neck, his camera would be on the floor.
The highlight of my day though . . . Nico! That tic in his clenched jaws lets me know that he’s grinding his teeth and if he does it any harder, he’ll break something. His arms are crossed over his chest, but I can tell he’s struggling to hold himself back. From what, I’m not sure, but I’d hazard a guess at wanting to cover Bailey back up. He doesn’t bother hiding his erection, so I don’t bother with trying not to laugh. He doesn’t even look at me. His eyes stay glued to Bailey.
“First pose, Mr. Cooper.”
Bailey’s voice draws my gaze back to her. She’s staring directly at the photographer; head slightly lowered and tilted to the right. Her left arm is extended out in front of her, her index finger pointed at him. She’s not pointing at me, but I still feel like I’m being summoned. The photographer fumbles his camera before quickly bringing it up and beginning to snap away. He tells her what to do next, but she only stares at him. Nico steps forward until he’s next to the photographer and Bailey’s eyes snap to him, taking on a fierceness I’ve never seen before. She drops her arms and clenches her fists. The red tape is blunt against her skin. As much as I try not to look at her like that, it can’t be avoided. Her abs are a work of art. Well defined, but not to the point of masculine. She has just enough softness to keep her feminine. The thin black sports bra with all the extra straps does little to actually cover her since Petra picked it for the cutout designs, but it fits her small breasts perfectly. She steps closer to the octagon’s entrance and my eyes zero in on her hips. The same softness that envelops her stomach flares out around her hips. Her hands go up, gripping the frame at shoulder height as she leans forward. Her chin lifts and she glares out at us. She manages to look down her nose at us while simultaneously being intimidating.
“Get the fucking shot instead of staring,” Nico barks.
Bailey jumps slightly at the sound of his voice, but quickly recovers. The camera nearly crashes to the floor again. Nico has a point. This is a great shot. If he misses it, he probably won’t get paid. At the same time, I can’t blame the guy. She’s stunning in this pose. I force myself to watch Nico instead of Bailey. That tic in his jaw is working overtime and based on the stares Bailey is getting, it will only get worse. A little while later, I hear the photographer complaining. Bailey is getting dressed just as she said she would.
“Did you not get that last shot?” Nico demands.
“I did, but I wanted to get her in a few more.”
“Have it edited and back to me in the morning. You can leave now,” Nico says before glancing around the room. “What the fuck are y’all standing around for? Y’all came here to workout, so go do that shit. Fucking perverts.”
He mumbles a few more things about how rude it is to stare as he paces back and forth in front of the cage.
“What the hell is your problem, Nico?” Bailey asks after snatching her headphones off.
“I don’t have a fucking problem. What the hell is taking you so long to get dressed? Why would you even wear that shit anyway? You’re practically naked.”
He grumbles a few more things while continuing to pace. Bailey, wide-eyed and incredulous, steps into his path, blocking him from moving.
“You told me to wear this!”
“I didn’t tell you to wear your bra and panties! You wearing this shit, exploiting your body with damn near nothing on and this shit is going to be on flyers for everybody to see anytime they want.”
Her eyes narrow and her head tilts to the side before she points to the wall behind him. There, framed and enlarged, are pictures of him, me, East and Law in nothing but out fighting briefs as we pose for the camera. Ha! She got him with that one. He could argue that we usually wear shorts, but he only makes a dismissive sound and paces around her. She blocks his path again.
“Nico, you told me to wear whatever Petra picked out. It’s not my fault you didn’t check to see what she chose,” she declares as she pokes a finger i
nto his chest.
Her eyes snap down and her mouth drops open as she pokes him again.
“Fuck me, that’s stupendous,” she mumbles as she pokes him a few more times. Her finger moves lower, poking his abs. “Holy shit,” she murmurs in disbelief.
He steps closer to her and with a shit-eating grin tells her “Any lower, little mouse, and I’ll be forced to see how tight that pussy really is.”
Her head snaps up and she stares at him in horror.
“Was that out loud?” she asks.
He laughs and she stalks away, but he follows her.
“You shouldn’t be so crude,” she tells him.
“And you should stop being such a prude. We should really explore that whole tightness idea.”
She turns and opens her mouth to respond, but only a squeak comes out when she realizes how close he is. He crowds closer to her, bringing his face down to hers.
“Think we can make that happen, little mouse? Because I’m starting think I’d really enjoy that,” he confesses, his lips brushing against hers as he speaks.
Her eyes close and her body trembles. If I weren’t the only other person in the room I’d seriously feel like a voyeur. As it stands, the few sets of eyes remaining are on them, refusing to give them the privacy they seem to need.
“Dominic. Please don’t make me into the type of woman that cheats.”
Ah, shit. Her phone rings, and it’s like an alarm snapping everyone awake. She steps away as Nico’s head snaps to the phone’s direction. If he keeps that up he’s going to break his neck. I start to give him hell about it, but Bailey’s voice stops me. I search the area for her and see that’s she’s moved to one of the corners to try and get some privacy. My gaze meets Nico’s and we simultaneously move closer to her. If she doesn’t want to tell us what’s going on with her, we’ll find out anyway.
“CONNOR, YOU CAN’T do that. It’s already going on two months.”
“I can do whatever I want, lass. It’s no’ like you can stop me. Are ya no’ there playing the big bad fighter? Do ya really have time for us?”
I pause. His accent is thick, but he doesn’t sound angry. It could just be because he’s been gone so long, but I choose my words carefully, regardless. “Connor, it’s one thing to go on vacation, but that’s not what you’re doing. You’re purposely keeping him away from me and that hurts him just as much as it hurts me.”
“And what aboot me, lass? Ya think this doesna affect me as well? Ya think it’s just aboot ya and ya selfishness? Tisn’t fair the way ya treat me and expect me ta just let ya be.”
I squeeze my eyes closed and pull the phone away from my ear. I knew this reprieve from him was too good to be true. I should have known that even with Rory’s help, he caved entirely too soon. He went to Scotland too easily and now that he’s saying all of this, I know exactly what he’ll say in order for me to get him to bring Kael back. This won’t be the first time he’s tried to force me to do it, but this time he’s played his card remarkably well. He knows I’m dying to hold my son again. He knows I’m going insane with want and worry and I know he’ll use it against me. I pull in a deep breath and forcefully expel it before bringing the phone back up to my ear.
“Connor, I –“ the words get stuck in my throat because when I open my eyes over 400 pounds of muscle and testosterone are standing less than ten feet away. I flick a glance at Cade. He seems more curious than upset. Nico is a different story. Those piercing eyes are narrowed; his bulging biceps are folded across that deliciously broad chest, and those bitable lips are turned down at the corners. Yet, all I can think of is how criminally insane his attractiveness is.
“You what, Lee?”
God, I hate that nickname. I’d forgotten Connor was still on the phone. His voice is ice water to the heat coursing through my veins from thoughts of Nico. I turn my back to them and lower my voice.
“Connor, I’m not being selfish by wanting him home.”
“No, tis selfish because ya should want us both home. Not just the lad. We’ve been doing this too long for ya ta still not act like a proper wife.”
“You really think a proper husband would keep a child away from his mother?” I regret the words as soon as they’re out of my mouth. I’ve kept all personal aspects of my life to myself. It’s been easy to bottle it up with Connor not here, but with Cade seeing the picture earlier and both of them hearing my outburst right now there’s no hiding it any longer. I have no problem ignoring the questions that I know will come from them, but for now I need to focus on the fact that Connor is dead silent on his end. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled like that. I just don’t understand why you won’t bring him home.”
“Ya understand perfectly well. Give me what I want and we’ll be back in two weeks. Who knows how long it’ll be otherwise.”
I’ve had a birth control implant in my left arm for years now. I never miss having it swapped every three years and Connor wants nothing more than to have me remove it. He has me cornered and he knows this is probably his best shot at getting his way. I blink furiously, refusing to let any tears fall. Questions would be asked and everyone would assume the tears were from sadness. Nothing but anger flows through me right now.
“Promise me, Connor. I do this and you bring him home. None of these childish games anymore.”
“Ya doona get ta make demands of me, lass.”
“Yes, I do. You want more than me off birth control,” I hiss. “Have my son home in two weeks.”
I end the call and drop my chin to my chest. It takes me a moment to realize the room is completely silent. I turn and find Nico leaning against the octagon. I should probably focus on the intensity of his gaze, but shit, his body makes it hard to focus on anything. I wonder if he’s mixed? I think he’s black, but there’s more to him. And there’s absolutely no way I can stop wondering if that scruff on his face is ticklish or not. I hope it is. Shit. No, I don’t. I refuse to find out.
“You have a son?” he growls.
That voice scared me the first time I heard it. Deep and commanding. Even if it’s not an order, something primal inside me wants to do whatever is being asked. It’s really confusing because I honestly don’t want to have this conversation with him.
“And a husband?”
Shit. How much of that did he actually hear and where the hell did everyone go? This didn’t seem so bad when there were other people and background noises. Now? Now, it seems like a lover questioning infidelity. Too intimate. Too personal.
“Where are they? How come no one has ever seen them?”
He’s persistent. I’ll give him that. It’s a good quality to have in his chosen profession. He doesn’t seem to take issue with me not providing answers though. He just keeps up his inquiry.
“You’ve been coming here for weeks now. None of us know anything about you. You let no one in. Why is that? You came here for help, but even that seems to be questionable since you actually know how to fight and considering who your dad was.”
I have no intention of responding nor do I understand what he means about my dad, so I’m glad when his phone rings. He looks at it, curses, and silences it.
“And you, Nico? What are you hiding?” I jerk my head towards his phone.
“My past is just that. And that’s where it should fucking stay.”
With that he storms away, leaving me to wonder at his cryptic words.
THERE’S AN UNDERLYING current at the gym today. The atmosphere is tinged with anxiousness. Something I’m not privy to, but I get the feeling I’m about to find out. Nico is near the main entrance and every minute or so he glances out the window. It’s obvious he’s waiting for someone, but I don’t know whom. I shake my arm out before absently rubbing at the spot where my birth control implant used to be. I almost feel naked without it. I’ve had it for so long and now it’s gone. It’s as though I’ve been stripped of a much-needed layer of protection and I can never get it back. I have to choose between making myself
feel safe and seeing my son. In essence, it’s not a choice at all.
“I could be reaching, but I’m guessing we’re not feeling this today?”
I look up to Jax and grimace when I see him standing there waiting for me to spar with him. From the looks of things, he’s been waiting for a while. I feel bad because I demand so much of his time since I don’t feel comfortable wrestling or sparring with any of the other guys Here he is taking away time from his busy schedule and I’m not even into it. Less than a week until the fight and I can’t focus on anything—unless you count the mass of nervous energy pacing by the entrance or the bane of my existence who sent me a screenshot of the itinerary for him and Kael.
“Yeah, this isn’t happening. How about you hop on the treadmill or elliptical?” Jax says.
“I’m sorry. Just give me twenty and I’ll be good.”
I move away without waiting for him to respond. I head towards the locker room, but Nico’s voice stops me. I turn to face him and he stares at me in silence. Awkward.
“Did you need something?”
That furrow in his brow deepens and his eyes narrow slightly. “You’re supposed to be sparring with Jax.”
“I’m not allowed to take breaks?”
“Of course, you are. Why wouldn’t you be?”
“Because you’re stopping me from doing just that.”
His jaw clenches and he glances over my shoulder.