Heart of a Savage Read online

Page 12

  Without him, I feel bare. He was my shield and now he’s gone. I flex my hands as I glance around the room. Anything to keep myself from staring at Nico.

  “Who the fuck is this?” Cade asks, eyes trained on Benny.

  Nico who hasn’t moved. Nico who just sits there and stares. He leans back in his seat, sprawled out and seemingly uncaring; an ancient god, entirely too much for us mere mortals to handle. Confidence and power surround him like a cloak he wears all too well, exceptionally well. A smirk forms on those thick, kissable lips and I realize I’ve been staring. I force myself to look away. “Can I get taped, please?” I direct my question at no one and everyone.

  “Fuck no. Tell us who this is,” Cade insists as he covers the distance between us.

  To his credit, Benny barely moves or speaks. He must be rocking a huge set between those long legs. Some sick part of me wonders if his reaction would have been the same if it were Nico approaching him. All muscle and gloriousness swathed in malice, intent on major damage. I banish the thought just as quickly as it came.

  “Benjamin Rodgers, aka Benny. Official title is driver, but he’s great to have around in a tight situation. He’s not backing down from you because he’s about ten seconds away from having you in his sights. Apparently, he never misses,” Nico says.

  I look back to Benny and sure enough, one hand is just beneath his suit jacket, his eyes narrowed on Cade. How in the hell did Nico know that? I step in front of Benny and he sighs.

  “That severely impedes my job, Ms. Ross,” he says.

  “You will not shoot my friends. That would severely impede your paycheck.”

  “It would be great if your friends didn’t approach me with the intent to harm,” he replies as his eyes drift over each of those friends.

  “That’s about as likely as us seeing a leprechaun. They’re very territorial.”

  “How in the fuck did he get a gun in here?” East asks.

  “He came in with Bailey, no one checked him,” Nico says as he rises from his seat.

  He seems loose and relaxed, but I know better. His flared nostrils tell me how upset he really is. He grabs the tape for my hands just as Mark sticks his head in the door and speaks.

  “Five minutes, Houdini. Just so you know, no one appreciates a good disappearing act anymore,” he tells me.

  I RESEARCHED MY opponent this time. She’s good, much better than my last competitor. If I didn’t already have so much on my mind I’d be scared. I also wouldn’t be letting her hit me so many times and I would have called this fight off like Nico insisted. I thought I was fully healed, but apparently multiple rib shots can make it feel like they’re fractured all over again. I can hear Nico and Mark yelling at me from the corner, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. If I had to guess I’d say it was their favorite line, “fucking attack.” It seems to be their go to. I block them out though. I don’t need their voices. I don’t need their faces. All I need is the image of Connor and Malia. It comes without much prodding and suddenly this whole fight thing isn’t so hard. It hurts like a bitch, but it’s easier than it was when I first started. I know exactly what I want to do and since I’ve already given the spectators a full sixty seconds of me getting my ass handed to me – we train for months and they’re lucky to get a couple of minutes out of us – I know I’ll do it now. My opponent bounces on her toes and I see the exact moment she decides to attack. I wait for her. My body is vibrating with energy, but I force myself to remain calm. I give her just enough time to realize this is the end for her and call it off. She keeps coming. Oh well. When she reaches the middle of the cage, I explode. Racing to her, I jump when I’m close enough. She screeches to a halt, but it’s too late. My right foot connects with the side of her face and head and my body spins through the kick. I feel the rumble through the mat as her body collapses against it. When I face her again I see that she’s dazed, but not completely out. This ought to make the boys happy; I attack. Straddling her chest, I pin one arm with my right knee. The other I catch with my left hand and pin it above her head. Without hesitation, I let my right fist fly. She tosses her head from side to side and tries to dislodge me by bucking her hips. My weight is centered too high on her chest for that to work. I keep hitting. Her struggles only last a few seconds before her body goes limp. I hit her a few more times then slowly get to my feet. The ref hasn’t called the fight so I look at him and wait. He looks stunned, but gathers himself and calls it, another KO. As he raises my hand and declares me the winner I scan the crowd. Front and center is the bane of my existence, Connor. Seated a row behind him is Malia. Connor’s face is blank, but Malia’s features are twisted with contempt. I smile at them both. My smile drops when I see who’s three seats away from Connor. Janae’s face is screwed up in anger until she notices me looking at her. She smirks and tosses her hair over her shoulders as she stands. I’m lifted into the air and based on the sneer overtaking Janae’s face I know it’s Nico. He sits me on his shoulder—his extremely broad and capable shoulder—and one of his hands wraps around my thigh. I look to Connor and Malia to see their reaction. Malia smiles happily, but Connor’s face remains blank and I have no idea what that means.

  THIS WAS A shitty idea. The doom and gloom vibe of the bar I’m waiting in makes it even more obvious. I have to try though. Everyone I’ve talked to so far has said that if Bailey goes before the judge currently assigned to oversee her case, he’s going to side with this Malia chick. I’ll admit, I doubt anything will come from this meeting, but desperate times and all that jazz. I want Bailey to be happy. I feel like it’s my job to make that happiness a reality for her. I know what it feels like to lose a child and I don’t want that for her. I push those thoughts away quickly, before they can get the best of me.

  After the fight, Bailey left with Benny and fuck if that didn’t make me want to commit mass murder. She told me she wasn’t ignoring me on purpose, but she needed me to let her to focus on Kaelen right now. I could understand that, so my murderous intent has been temporarily placed on hold. There was nothing I could do to get her attention without feeling like an asshole about it, so I figured I’d do what I could to help her instead. That means going directly to the source. My eyes scan the interior of the bar. Dark and seedy, right up Malia’s alley it seems. At least I won’t be recognized by the three patrons posted at the bar itself. Two of them laugh uproariously at something on the television mounted in the corner and the other looks like he just lost the battle to stay awake. A bell chimes and my attention goes to the door. Malia pauses just within the threshold and regards the men at the bar. The laughing duo sobers slightly and attempt to puff their chests out. Her lips curl in disgust and she turns her head, finally noticing me at the booth furthest away from the door.

  “Evening, pretty lady,” one of the drunks slur loudly.

  Malia ignores him, but the extra sway in her hips is obvious. Fuck. I hope that isn’t for my benefit. She’ll be sadly disappointed because I’m not interested and my dick still only works for Bailey—temperamental bastard that he is. Regardless, Lucinda Prince didn’t raise a rogue, so I stand as she approaches and wait for her to sit.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Mr. Prince himself,” she purrs with a smile as she settles herself opposite me in the booth.

  Shit. That sway was for me. I’ll have to choose my words carefully and try not to piss her off. I should have brought Van along. He’s a clown, but he’s good with deflecting the eager crowd.

  “Bailey went and got herself one hell of an upgrade from Connor. I shouldn’t be surprised that you reached out to me though. She couldn’t keep Connor satisfied and you’re obviously a lot more man to keep entertained.”

  Yup, shittiest idea ever. I should have known she’d talk shit about Bailey and I should have prepared myself for how much it would try my patience.

  “So, Mr. Prince,” she starts as she places her elbows on the table and leans forward. “What, exactly, can I do for you?”

I cross my arms and press myself further back into the booth. My eyes skip to the drunks trying discreetly to stare at Malia. I’m such a fucking idiot. Of course, she would read more into my calling and asking to meet up. Clearing my throat, I let my eyes drift back to her. She’s leaned forward more and squeezed her elbows closer together, effectively pushing her breasts out more. I wait for Junior to acknowledge the invitation, but he’s back to Sahara status. I’m in total agreement with him. “Your custody case is in a few days.”

  “It is. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Why else would we be meeting here?”

  The seductive act drops instantly and she leans back. Not much, but she does move away slightly.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? There are plenty of reasons we could be meeting here.”

  “I’ve been told you’re in the business of making deals. I asked you to meet me tonight to see if we could come to some sort of agreement. How much will it take to make you go away?”

  The smile comes back and if she leans forward anymore she’d be on my side of the booth.

  “Of course, Mr. Prince. An agreement involving you is one I’m very eager to partake in,” she says.

  Her eyes sweep down my face to my torso and pauses when she gets to the table. She stares intently at it as though trying to imagine more. She stretches one hand out towards me and makes a moaning sound.

  “How about we keep to our own sides?” I suggest.

  She puts on a fake pout and I glance at the bartender. He motions to the liquor behind him and I shake my head. Too much more of this and I’ll need to take him up on that offer. A quick check shows Malia now biting her lip and her phone clutched in her hand, but her gaze hasn’t lifted at all.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I’m not on the table,” I say.

  She lets out a disappointed sigh and slumps back against the booth.

  “Pity. It’s not like you could give me what I really want any way, so I’d say that since sex isn’t part of the deal, this meeting was a true waste of time,” she says.

  “And what is it you really want?” I question.

  “Connor.” She says it with a shrug as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “He’s obsessed with what he can get with Bailey though. He wants the power and prestige that comes with the Ross name. The money, the cars, the pomp and circumstance. He wants her status and until recently he was perfectly fine with having it without her. Now he’s borderline obsessed with the entire package again.”

  “What the fuck do you mean by having it without her and what changed his mind?”

  At first, she only smiles and stares at me. “Mr. Prince do you have any idea what a stunning specimen you truly are? I mean, really?”

  She shakes her head seemingly completely confounded by her statement. Her words mean nothing, so I say nothing.

  “Are you sure we can’t work that agreement out?” she asks.

  I stare daggers at her, unable to hold back my irritation.

  “Fine. You changed his mind. Like a wolf in a pack another man knows when he’s in the presence of an alpha male. And you, Mr. Prince, are as alpha as they come. Connor knew he’d completely lost Bailey the moment he got back from Scotland and saw the pictures of you and Bailey. If it’s one thing he doesn’t take too well, it’s losing.”

  “It’s not like that between us. Her main concern is her son.” I intentionally stress those last two words, no longer concerned that I need to be nice in order to get her agreement. She’ll do whatever she can to spite Bailey just because Connor doesn’t want her.

  “Oh, you gorgeously naïve beast, you. How many times a day do you lie to yourself about her?” One elbow goes to the table and she rests her chin in her palm, finger tapping against her cheek. “How many times have you thought about her since I walked in here? Or would a better question be how many times have you not thought about her? You know he’s watched the two of you since you took her from that little motel she was hiding out at, right? At least once a day, he rides by your little gym or your home, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Or catch her without you or any of those sexy beasts you hang out with. He claims he just wants to talk to her, but we both know that’s not true. He wants her away from you. As far away as possible. The only thing stopping him from going to her right now is the new guy she’s keeping around.”

  It vexes the fuck out of me that she’s been in my presence less than ten minutes and was able to see right through me. I thought I had a pretty good poker face, but I guess not. Either way, she’s right. Not about my feelings, because clearly, fuck her. She’s right that this meeting was a waste of time and I should have at least put more thought into it. Money obviously isn’t something she’s willing to discuss and if I sit here and keep hearing how much of a pussy Connor is for wanting to corner Bailey when she’s alone, I just might go and track him down. I stand and start to walk away. “You enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “You might want to check in on your girlfriend. Something tells me she’s about to be having a very bad day.”

  I stop and when I look back. She smiles bitterly at the phone in her hand.

  “If I can’t have Connor, she can’t have my child.”

  “What did you do?” It takes a considerable amount of control to keep from choking the answer out of her. I was raised not to ever put my hands on a woman in a harmful way, but I’ve never wanted to go against that so badly.

  “Kaelen wasn’t born in Texas, did you know that? He was born in Louisiana. As his birth mother, it was extremely easy to initiate a kidnapping charge. Oh, and did you know taking a child across state lines is a federal offense?”

  I clench my fists and force myself to take a step away. If I don’t I have no clue what I’ll do. The urge to hit her is extraordinary. “What the fuck did you do?” She flinches at the sound of my voice and I know she can see the fury in my eyes.

  “She’s blocking my happiness. From this day forward everything I do will be to block hers. I’m sure she’s getting a kick out of the picture I just sent her of you. Good luck explaining my hand all over you,” she says as she holds her phone up next to her head and gives it a little shake.

  It all comes together as I watch her sashay out of the bar, the bell tinkling as she leaves. She wasn’t just staring at the table and she wasn’t reaching towards me for nothing. Fucking bitch. I consider going after her, but that’ll only give her more opportunity to takes pictures of me chasing her. Besides, the damage is already done. For now, I need to figure out if this chick is seriously having Bailey brought up on kidnapping charges. Bailey can be furious all she wants, she’s about to get an unexpected visitor.

  THE DOOR TO The apartment swings open after I knock and standing there is Benny. Fucking Benny. If I hit him he’ll probably just shoot me. He seems too smart to try to fight me. I could just hit him hard enough to knock him out, but I don’t need Bailey more upset than she probably already is. “Getting comfortable with the living arrangements, I see.” I push past him without waiting for a response. I shouldn’t be this mad at him. Logic would mean that if he’s answering the door then Bailey isn’t, which makes her a hell of a lot safer than she would be on her own. I never claimed to be logical. I round the corner. Sitting on the couch with a sleeping Kaelen on her lap is Bailey.

  “I’m fairly certain I asked you to let me deal with everything going on with my son,” she states without looking at me.

  My eyes are drawn to the incessantly buzzing cell phone beside her. “You didn’t change your number.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Missed you.” What the fuck did I just say out loud? I even gave her a shoulder shrug with it. She opens her mouth to respond, but quickly closes it again and purses her lips. Yeah, I’m confused as fuck, too.

  “Does he know where you are?” I ask with a nod toward the phone. It’s buzzed four times since I walked in.

  “It’s not him,” she replies as she drops her head and press
es her lips to Kaelen’s forehead.

  “Then who’s texting you repeatedly like that? You have an admirer I should know about?” I realize how possessive that sounded as it came out, but fuck it. What’s the point in denying it? That shit is exhausting.

  “Seems she’s more your type, guess you like them psychotic and neurotic,” she mumbles.

  Bailey is the most timidly aggressive person I know. Her words have the ability to slaughter, but her demeanor makes you either instantly forgive her or make excuses for her by saying she didn’t really mean it that way. “You wouldn’t speak to me about the thing with Janae and if that’s Malia, it’s nowhere close to what you’re thinking.”

  “My son is asleep. Why don’t you go punch something and we’ll catch up later?”

  “You want to wrestle?” I ask. She rolls her eyes before glaring at me.

  “I want you to leave.”

  “Come with?” The gentleman in me holds his hand out to help her up. Not surprisingly, she slaps it away. Her phone buzzes again and quick as a flash she grabs it and throws it. It smacks against the wall and lands on the floor, but doesn’t shatter. “Is that a Samsung? I thought they were making bad phones, this didn’t even crack.” I grab the phone from its spot on the floor to look at it and when I turn around she’s gone. She’s a damn ninja. Benny, silent as a ghost—I will not admit he’s probably pretty good at his damn job—points to a hallway. I hear a siren in the distance and we both look toward the window. “Call her lawyers. Have them meet us at the police department, possible kidnapping charge, maybe even a felony.” Without question or complaint, he pulls his phone from his pocket and dials. Fuck him. He is not good at his job and I’m not giving up until I find a flaw.

  “Kidnapping?” Bailey growls as she closes a bedroom door behind her.

  At least I think it’s supposed to be a growl. It actually sounded fucking adorable.